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James Walter Baker
and Oggie Fulton

L-R: James Walter Baker, Son, Herbert Baker and Oggie (Fulton) Baker

James Walter Baker b 25 Apr 1891 d 1 Dec 1963; s/o Lorenzo Dow Baker and Stella Louisa Isaacs. James Walter Baker m. Odgie Jane Fulton (aka Oggie) b 22 Oct 1892 d 6 Aug 1981; d/o John Fulton and Rosa Adams. Children of James Walter Baker and Odgie Fulton;

1. Opal Baker b 10 Apr 1910 Letcher Co KY d 16 Jul 1988 Charleston WV; m. Henry Taylor

2. Nettie Baker; m. Phillip Coleman

3. Elijah Willis Baker b 1 Jan 1912 d 18 Nov 1969; m. 4 Jul 1929 to Allie Mae Collier. Children of Elijah Willis Baker and Allie Mae Collier;

i. Norma Lee Baker b about 1933; d Saturday, 16 Oct 2010 Whitesburg Appalachian Regional Healthcare Center, Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY; buried Baker Cemetery, Millstone, Letcher Co KY: m. James Mayfield. Children of James Mayfield and Norma Lee Baker; I. Christopher Meade II. Paula Meade; m. Male Branham.

Obituary of Norma Lee Meade Mayfield: October 16, 2010 - Norma Lee Meade Mayfield, 77, of Smyrna, Tennessee formerly of Fleming passed away Saturday, October 16, 2010 at the Whitesburg Appalachian Regional Healthcare Center. Norma was the daughter of the late Elijah Willis and Allie Mae Collier Baker. She was the widow of James Mayfield. Surviving are 1 son: Christopher Meade of Smyrna, Tennessee; 1 daughter: Paula Branham of McRoberts; 9 sisters: Mary Lou Fowler of Texas, Anna Ruth Baker of Arkansas, Jessie Mae Hall of Jackhorn, Dorothy Gibson of Ezel, Kentucky, Iva Strange of Millstone, Joy Stemm of Zaneville, Ohio, Leora Branham of Mayking, Nina Bentley of Ezel, Kentucky, Diana K. Hinger of Fordsville, Kentucky; 3 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren. Funeral: 12:00 O'clock Noon Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at the Neon Church of Christ with Darrl Strange and Hargus Hall officiating. Visitation: 6:00 P.M. Sunday at the Neon Church of Christ. Burial will follow in the Baker Cemetery at Millstone, Kentucky.

ii. Mary Lou Baker; m. Male Fowler

iii. Anna Ruth Baker

iv. Jessie Mae Baker; m. Male Hall

v. Dorothy Baker; m. Male Gibson

vi. Iva Baker; m. Male Strange

vii. Joy Baker; m. Male Stemm

viii. Leora Baker; m. Male Branham

ix. Nina Baker; m. Male Bentley

x. Diana K Baker; m. Male Hinger

4. Rosa Maebelle Baker b 6 Apr 1914 Letcher Co KY d 4 Aug 19779 Letcher Co KY; m. 1936 to Sherman Meade

5. Matilda Baker b 6 Jun 1916; m. 30 May 1938 to Morgan Craft

6. Jesse Baker b 23 Mar 1918 d 20 Jul 1986 KY; m. Ollie Hall b 1 Dec 1923; d/o Columbus Hall and Ida Bates. (6 children).

7. Odie Baker (f) b 5 Apr 1921; m. Morgan Reynolds Jr

8. Herbert Baker b 18 Nov 1925 d 10 Mar 1945

9. Henry Baker b 30 May 1930; m. 1 Oct 1949 to Ava Jean Hall

10. John Millard "Bill" Baker; m. Beulah Johnson

11. James Monroe "Bradley" Baker; m. Carol Ann Johnson

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