Wise Co VA 1860 Census
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Transcribed by Annette Potter, 8 January, 2009

1860 Wise Co VA Census - List of Names of Heads of Households - Listed By: Last Name, First Name, House Number

Adams - Bradley Branham - Dale Davis - Gilley Gilliam - Hughes Hunsucker - McKee McLaughlin - Powers Powers - Short Short - Taylor Tipton - Yates
Adams, James 341
Adams, John 342
Addington, Charles 456
Addington, John 445
Addington, Joseph 447
Addington, William 457
Adkins, Alexander 215
Adkins, Henry 216
Adkins, Henry 95
Adkins, Larkin 305
Adkins, Spencer 212
Adkins, William 304
Alley, Jonathon 151
Alley, Peter 348
Amburgey, Henry 325
Artrip, James 134
Back, Isaac 231
Baker, Cornelius H 408
Baker, James 690
Baker, Jesse 687
Baker, John 409
Baker, Richard 407
Baker, Riley 255
Baker, Samuel 324
Baldwin Joseph 382
Banner, Charles 357
Bartley, Revel 125
Bentley, Lafayette 337
Bett, James W 579
Beverly, Elijah 235
Beverly, Freeman 228
Beverly, George W 671
Beverly, James 412
Beverly, John A 240
Beverly, Nathan F 236
Beverly, Robert 252
Beverly, Robert 272
Beverly, William 333
Beverly, William L 636
Bevins, George 420
Bickley, Hiram 696
Bickley, Sebastian H 11
Bird, Dana B 26
Bise, Robert 218
Blair, Charles 625
Blair, Hiram 534
Blair, Isaac 79
Blair, Jacob 96
Blair, John 618
Blanton, Isaac 540
Blanton, John 604
Blanton, William 605
Blessing, John 695
Blevins, Daniel 733
Blevins, Linkhorn 291
Blevins, Nathan 292
Blythe, Abraham 587
Blythe, Andrew 614
Boggs, David 503
Boggs, Hugh 358
Boggs, James 507
Boggs, James 517
Boggs, Jehu 506
Boggs, John 356
Boggs, Joseph 355
Boggs, John 500
Boggs, John 504
Boggs, William 686
Bolling, Abraham 234
Bolling, Amos 374
Bolling, Delaney 244
Bolling, Ezekiel 138
Bolling, Hosea 243
Bolling, Jeremiah 655
Bolling, Jessee 238
Bolling, John 375
Bond, George 722
Bond, James 27
Bond, John 443
Bond, William 448
Bond, William J 253
Bond, William 721
Boothe, David 492
Bowens, Jason Y 610
Bradley, George 555
Branham, James 128
Branham, Martin 260
Branham, Tandy 165
Bray, Stephen T 583
Brian, Henry 653
Brown, John 376
Brown, Moses 398
Bruce, Darrell 704
Bruce, Enoch 708
Bruce, Henry C 660
Bruce, Joshua 712
Bruce, Noah, 674
Brummett, Alexander 226
Brummett, Cavender 688
Buchanan, George 202
Buchanan, James 47
Buchanan, James L 222
Buchanan, John 49
Buchanan, John 219
Buchanan, Miles A 71
Buchanan, Morgan 48
Burton, John 14
Burton, Levi 106
Bush, Austin 2
Byrnes, Charles 702
Byrnes, David 703
Cantrell, Abraham 172
Cantrell, Alex 344
Cantrell, Caleb 173
Cantrell, Hiram 171
Cantrell, Isaac 84
Cantrell, James 322
Cantrell, John 174
Cantrell, Joseph 72
Carrico, Joseph M 21
Carrico, William D 25
Carter, Campbell 249
Carter, G C 442
Carty, Absalom 745
Carty, George W 12
Chase, Jeremiah 276
Chase, John R 105
Chisenahll, James 450
Christian, Ebenezer 670
Church, Gabriel 495
Church, Gabriel 498
Church, John 496
Church, Joseph 393
Church, William 494
Coldiron, Mary 562
Coldiron, Mary 571
Collier, George R 623
Collier, John 631
Collier Ori 527
Collins, Andrew 426
Collins, Berring 427
Collins, Edward 13
Collins, Griffin 424
Collins, Griffin 425
Collins, Lewis 251
Collins, Mahala 596
Collins, Martha 434
Collins, Riley 435
Cook, William 143
Cooper, Hiram 648
Cooper, John B 689
Countiss, William 481
Courtney, Samuel 546
Cox, David 384
Cox, Franklin 458
Cox, Isham 390
Cox, Terrell 433
Cox, Samuel 423
Crabtree, James 317
Crager, Elizabeth 501
Creech, Emanuel 239
Creech, Ira 565
Creech, Jonathon 577
Creech, Joseph 360
Creech, Silas 558
Culbertson, James 659
Dale, Hardin 271
Dale, John H 529
Dale, Sam 281
Davis, Jackson 464
Davis, Jesse 306
Davis, John 279
Davis, Robert T 29
Davis, Tabitha 550
Day, Andrew 454
Day, George 516
Dean, Hiram 267
Dean, William 262
Dennyberry, Rebecca 73
Derryfield, David 743
Dickenson, John M 466
Dickenson, Robert P 3
Dollarhide, Hiram 45
Dotson, Andrew 283
Dotson, David 335
Dotson, Henderson 649
Dotson, Jackson 301
Dotson, Matthew 332
Dotson, Simon 347
Dotson, Thomas 256
Dotson, William 403
Dunbar, Sarah J 101
Eaton, Daniel 710
Eaton, John 705
Eddington, George A 33
Edwards, John B 22
Elkins, Anniston 74
Elkins, James 521
Elkins, James 553
Elkins, John M 258
Elkins, John 515
Elkins, John 552
Elkins, John 592
Elkins, Joseph 76
Elkins, Mary 564
Elkins, William 626
Evans, Thomas 727
Evans, Wilson 728
Farmer, James 135
Farmer, John 129
Fields, Jason 146
Fields, Preston 137
Fields, Robert 116
Fields, William 139
Fink, William 723
Fleming, Emmanuel 121
Fleming, Jefferson 123
Fleming, John 120
Fleming, Phillip 118
Fraley, Elhannon 273
Fraley, Martin 693
Freeman, Joseph 302
Freeman, William 628
French, George P 177
French, James 181
French, Rachael 180
Fuller, Noah R 719
Fulton, John 619
Fulton, Lilburn 191
Fulton, Wilbourn 170
Galloway, John 524
Galloway, Joseph 600
Gardner, George 467
Gardner, Nancy 468
Gardner, Wiley 465
Gibson, George P 67
Gibson, Hiram 639
Gibson, James 359
Gibson, James 385
Gibson, Nancy P 381
Gibson, William 387
Gibson, Zachariah 641
Gilley, Absalom 599
Gilley, Elkanah 547
Gilley, Elkanah 607
Gilley, Francis 597
Gilley, George 535
Gilley, George M 581
Gilley, George 611
Gilley, Ira 617
Gilley, John 537
Gilley, John 548
Gilley, John 624
Gilley, Lurana 595
Gilliam, Ira 247
Gilliam, John 275
Gilliam, Lilborn 268
Gilliam, Martin 652
Gilliam, William 246
Gordon, Pentecost 263
Gordon, William 261
Gott, David 675
Graham, James 570
Graham, Samuel 582
Gray, Elizabeth 750
Gray, George 9
Green, Elias 83
Greear, Francis B 30
Green, Matthew 557
Greear, William M 37
Green, William 92
Grizzle, James 64
Guy, John 6
Hale, David 40
Hale, James 82
Hale, John 742
Hale, Thomas 1
Hale, William Griffith 81
Hall, Alexander 522
Hall, Eli 651
Hall, Greenway 391
Hall, Henry 666
Hall, Isom 397
Hall, Jane 395
Hall, John 396
Hall, Nancy 367
Hall, Preston 394
Hamilton, James 694
Hamilton, John 569
Hamilton, John 691
Hamilton, Lewis 472
Hamilton, Nathan 334
Hamilton, Nelson 692
Hay, John 362
Hayes, John 369
Hayes, Jonathon 366
Haynes, Robert 160
Helton, John W 126
Henderson, Augustus 668
Henderson, Elbert 117
Henderson, Nehemiah 410
Hibbitts, Charles 315
Hill, Elkanah 38
Hill, James 406
Hill, John Mac 309
Hill, Seth 220
Hill, William 50
Hillman, James M 28
Hillman, John H 43
Hillman, Thomas 298
Hoge, Daniel 701
Hoge, John 713
Holbrook, James 726
Holbrook, John 63
Holbrook, Roberta A 80
Holbrook, Robert A 293
Holbrook, Squire 280
Holly, Sarah 730
Honeycutt, Valentine 646
Hopson, Littleton 148
Horn, Charles M 707
Horn, John P 664
Horn, Nicholas 709
Horn, Samuel 201
Horn, Thomas 632
Horn, William 706
Horn, William 744
Horton, Haning 549
Howell, George 175
Howell, Osborn 178
Hubbard, Randolph 654
Hubbard, R D 383
Huff, Charles 635
Huff, Elizabeth 473
Huff, Lorenzo D 269
Huff, William T 471
Huff, William 620
Hughes, John 697
Hunsucker, Archabald 681
Hunsucker, George 682
Hunsucker, James 463
Hunsucker, John 462
Hunsucker, Jonathan 288
Hutchins, Jacob 97
Hutchinson, Emanuel 430
Hutchinson, F K 415
Hyatt, Moses 52
Ingle, Mary 488
Ingle, Nathan 489
Ingleton, Solomon 735
Ison, Archibald 684
Ison, Isaac 685
Jessee, Robert 46
Johnson, Cassander 748
Johnson, James 551
Johnson, John C 559
Jones, Alfred 470
Jones, Benjamin 278
Jones, Green 650
Jones, Isaiah 622
Jones, John 469
Joseph, Clemmey 508
Joseph, John 485
Joseph, Reason 486
Justice, Hannah 336
Keel, Marshall 331
Kelly, Jasper 526
Kelly, John 523
Kelly, Matthias 556
Kelly, William 525
Kennedy, Commodore 51
Kennedy, Edmondsen 237
Kennedy, James 155
Kennedy, James 584
Kennedy, James 585
Kilborn, Joseph 513
Kilborn, Martin 576
Kilborn, Martin V 575
Kilborn, Peter 514
Kilgore, David 119
Kilgore, Ellington 124
Kilgore, George 459
Kilgore, Hiram 284
Kilgore, Isaac 277
Kilgore, James 98
Kilgore, James 563
Kilgore, Johnson 452
Kilgore, Nelson 451
Kilgore, Ralph 455
Kilgore, William 672
Killen, Alfred 185
Killen, Robert 142
Kinney, Wilson M 75
Kissee, Francis 114
Lane, Jackson 411
Large, Charles 223
Lee, Archabel 606
Lee, Phoebe 377
Lipps, Jacob 754
Lipps, Morgan L 440
Long, Andrew 386
Long, Joel D 122
Long, Joseph 157
Long, Levi 166
Long, Wilborne 167
Long, William 511
Maggard, J P 519
Maggard, Samuel 380
Masters, Abraham 422
Maxwell, Audley 264
Maynard, James 340
McCoy, James B 61
McCoy, Moses 57
McCoy, Robert 60
McCoy, Thomas 55
McCoy, William 56
McCoy William 736
McFalls, James 323
McFalls, William 320
McFarland, William 586
McJessee, James 752
McKee, Jackson 740
McLaughlin, Isaac 23
McLaughlin, Nathan M 36
McLaughlin, Sylvester, 739
Menton, Adam G 351
Miller, John 518
Mills, Barnaby 66
Mitchell, Erassius 62
Moore, Enoch 140
Moore, Ephraim 640
Moore, Isaac 150
Morris, Richard 598
Mullins, Andrew 326
Mullins, Basil 328
Mullins, Booker 401
Mullins, Crockett 461
Mullins, David 194
Mullins, David 400
Mullins, Dicy 316
Mullins, Doctor 111
Mullins, Eli 107
Mullins, Elijah 338
Mullins, Ephraim 112
Mullins, Giles 591
Mullins, Haskell 329
Mullins, Henry 413
Mullins, Isaac 103
Mullins, Isom 188
Mullins, James 109
Mullins, James 193
Mullins, James 370
Mullins, John 330
Mullins, John W 136
Mullins, Marshall 183
Mullins, Marshall 190
Mullins, Marshall 414
Mullins, Riley 432
Mullins, Simpson 749
Mullins, Solomon 127
Mullins, Solomon 130
Mullins, Solomon 179
Mullins, Thomas 404
Mullins, Thomas 405
Mullins, Wiley 192
Mullins, William 108
Mullins, William 402
Mullins, William T 99
Mullins, Wilson 327
Music, Thomas 621
Neal, Harvey Frank HF 104
Neel, William K 113
Neely, David 543
Neely, William 609
Newberry, Elizabeth 724
Newberry, Sam 645
Newberry, Tivis  644
O'Neil, William 100
Osborn, David 15
Osborn, Herman 638
Osborn, James 643
Osborn, Stephen 637
Osborn, William 642
Parsons, Robert 603
Parsons, Stephen 677
Perky, Calvin 388
Perky, Franklin 232
Perky, John 257
Perky, Kindred 233
Perry, James 428
Perry, Levi 207
Perry, Levi 436
Perry, Nathan 437
Phillips, John 361
Phipps, David 186
Phipps, Washington 187
Phipps, Wilborn 189
Poindexter, John 389
Porter, G M 59
Porter, James 16
Powers, Allen 296
Powers, David 714
Powers, Henry 299
Powers, Jeremiah 300
Powers, John 297
Powers, John M 295
Powers, Jonas 221
Powers, Jonas 711
Powers, Reuben 314
Powers, Reuben 751
Powers, William A 44
Ramey, Daniel 662
Ramey, Henry 661
Ramey, Jacob 39
Ramey, James 663
Ramey, John 133
Reed, George 149
Reed, Lorenzo D 147
Reedy, Peter 195
Reeves, Eli 161
Revel, Moses 741
Richardson, Hopkins 42
Richmond, Ben F 580
Richmond, William 578
Riddle, Isom 633
Rife, Gordon 339
Riggle, Wayman 285
Riggs, David 725
Riggs, Henderson 593
Riggs, Hiram 282
Riley, James 669
Riner, David 446
Ritchie, Gabriel 421
Ritchie, James 720
Ritchie, John 439
Ritchie, John N 303
Roberts, Harvey 453
Roberts, Isham 242
Roberts, Lewis 449
Roberts, Shadrach 259
Roberts, William 241
Robinett, Elias 69
Robinett, George 265
Robinett, Harvey 10
Robinett, James 68
Robinett, Matthias 35
Robinett, Randolph 715
Robinett, Rufus 41
Robinett, William 229
Robinson, A G 254
Robinson, James 349
Robinson, John 346
Robinson, Matthew 308
Robinson, William 115
Rose, Elias 217
Rose, John E 214
Rose, John M 89
Rose, John 311
Rose, Robert 312
Rose, Samuel 58
Rose, Wilson 310
Rush, Austin 2
Russell, Alexander 307
Ryan, George 700
Sally, John 532
Sally, Mary 533
Salyer, L H N 676
Salyer, Samuel 266
Salyer, Shankland 274
Salyer, Tyse T 634
Sanders, John 158
Scarberry, Nancy 213
Scarberry, William 313
Self, John 738
Senter, Stephen 154
Sergent, Henry 499
Shepherd, Andrew 541
Shepherd, Henderson 510
Shepherd, James 531
Shepherd, James 613
Shepherd, John 487
Shepherd, John 509
Shepherd, Sampson 574
Shepherd, William 520
Short, Alex 364
Short, Alfred 368
Short, Daniel 378
Short, David 321
Short, James P 379
Short, James T 363
Short, John F 365
Short, Joseph 353
Silcox, Ambrose 747
Silcox, William 746
Simonas, Jacob H 53
Skeen, Archibald 716
Skeen, George 54
Skeen, Harvey 717
Skeen, Henry 24
Skeen, Stephen 294
Skeen, Stephen 718
Sloas, Noah (Sluss) 144
Smith, Alexander 680
Smith, A W 230
Smith, David 78
Smith, David 612
Smith, George 77
Smith, George W 528
Smith, Henry 698
Smith, Meade 753
Smith, Thompson 460
Snodgrass, George 658
Snodgrass, John 657
Soward, Jefferson 350
Soward, William 352
Spurgeon, Joseph 731
Stallard, Andrew 419
Stallard, Charles 679
Stallard, Cyrus H 32
Stallard, David 245
Stallard, Duncan 418
Stallard, Hazelton 34
Stallard, John B 31
Stallard, Joseph 248
Stallard, William 699
Stamper, Eli 729
Stamper, Joseph 145
Stamper, Joseph 345
Stanifer, John 354
Stanley, Alfred 205
Stanley, George 199
Stanley, James 198
Stanley, James 732
Stanley, John 204
Stanley, John 319
Stanley, Joseph 200
Stanley, Joseph 206
Stanley, Larkin 153
Stanley, Larkin 203
Stanley, Rickles 318
Stanley, William 152
Stanley, William 208
Stewart, David 544
Stewart, William 539
Stidham, Adam 477
Stidham, Adams 484
Stidham, David 478
Stidham, David 480
Stidham, David 493
Stidham, James 483
Stidham, James 490
Stidham, Jeremiah 474
Stidham, John 505
Stidham, Martin 476
Stidham, Samuel 482
Stone, Lewis 141
Strong, Thomas 678
Sturgill, Andrew 491
Sturgill, David 372
Sturgill, David 373
Sturgill, James 371
Sturgill, William 497
Swindle, Wesley 110
Talbot, Joseph 18
Talbot, Thomas P 19
Tate, Elisha 588
Tate, John 594
Tate, Joseph 602
Taylor, Alexander 86
Taylor, Benjamin 156
Taylor, Charles 91
Taylor, Lee 392
Taylor, William 90
Tipton, Willie 211
Tolbert, James C 20
Tompkins, William 627
Trent, Hardy 8
Trent, Thomas 737
Tyler, James 608
Vance, Absalom 417
Vance, David 210
Vance, David 225
Vance, Samuel 227
Vanderpool, James 431
Vanderpool, Robert 429
Vanover, Cornelius 176
Vanover, Cornelius 182
Vanover, Daniel 164
Vanover, Eli 169
Vanover, Eli 196
Vanover, Henry 163
Vanover, John 168
Vanover, John P 159
Vanover, Samuel 416
Vanover, William 102
Venters, George 287
Venters, James 286
Vermillion, James L 673
Waddle, Jefferson 667
Wallis, James F 132
Wallis, Thomas 209
Wallis, William 131
Wampler, Elizabeth 538
Wampler, George 630
Wampler, Israel 475
Wampler, John 629
Wampler, John W 647
Ward, John M 184
Wells, Anderson 683
Wells, Andrew 250
Wells, Andrew 542
Wells, Andrew 566
Wells, David 554
Wells, Ellington 560
Wells, Francis 615
Wells, George 70
Wells, Henry 536
Wells, James 572
Wells, John P 601
Wells, Johnson 512
Wells, Mahal 479
Wells, Sarah E 573
Wells, Thomas 545
Wells, William Jr 567
Wells, William T 568
Wells, Zachariah 65
Wells, Zachariah 530
Wheatley, Arthur 444
Wheatley, John 399
Wheatley, Parker 438
Whitaker, Frances 441
White, Alfred 162
White, Lydia 343
Williams, Anderson 290
Williams, Pleasant 561
Willis, Absalom 616
Willis, Isaac 289
Wilson, Joab 656
Wilson, John F 665
Wilson, Jonathan 224
Wilson, Samuel 502
Wolf, John P 589
Wolfe, William 590
Wright, Aaron 87
Wright, Alexander 5
Wright, Isaac L 270
Wright, James 734
Wright, Jasper 94
Wright, John 17
Wright, John 4
Wright, Paris 7
Wright, Wetsel 93
Yates, Jacob 197
Yates, John 85
Yates, Jonathon 88

Wise Co VA 1860 Census
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Transcribed by Annette Potter, 8 January, 2009