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John Phillips
and Sarah Hayes

John Phillips b 11 Apr 1829 Deep River, Stokes Co NC d abt 1899 VA; s/o Aaron Phillips and Mary Pegg. John Phillips m. 1851 to Sarah Marie Hayes b abt 1829; d/o John Hayes and Senah Unknown. Children of John Phillips and Sarah Hayes;

1. George Phillips b 1853 VA d 1865

2. Elizabeth E Phillips b 1855 VA

3. William Riley Phillips b 28 Sept 1856 VA

4. Martha Phillips b 1859 VA

5. Charles H Phillips b abt 1862 VA

6. Mary J Phillips b abt 1864 VA

7. Ambrose Phillips b 1 Mar 1866 VA

8. John Patton Phillips b 25 Feb 1870 VA

1860 Wise Co VA Census
361 Phillips, John 30 M Farmer NC
361 Phillips, Sarah 28 (Hay) F Housekeeper VA
361 Phillips, George 7 M VA
361 Phillips, Elizabeth E 5 F VA
361 Phillips, William R 4 M VA
361 Phillips, Martha 1 F VA

362 Hay, John 67 M Farmer VA
362 Hay, Senah 64 F Housekeeper VA
362 Wilson, Kelly 30 F Seamstress VA (Nelly?)

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