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Willis Sherman Tolliver
and Lucinda Smith Day

Willis Sherman Tolliver and Lucinda Smith Day
Willis Sherman Tolliver b 27 Jun 1893 Baker, Letcher Co KY d 3 May 1958 Jenkins, Letcher Co KY; buried family cemetery, Rockhouse, KY; s/o Melvin Burton Tolliver and Arminda A Baker. Willis Sherman Tolliver m. 18 Dec 1913 Knott Co KY to Lucinda Smith b Feb 23 1888 Knott Co KY (or 6 Sept 1893) d 19 Sept 1955 Deane, Letcher Co KY; buried Hall Cemetery, Deane, Letcher Co KY; d/o David Floyd Day and Lourania Smith. (Lucinda Smith's parents on her death certificate are listed as John W Amburgey and Loriane Day). Children of Willis Sherman Tolliver and Lucinda Smith;

1. Eulah Tolliver (f) b 23 Sept 1914 Letcher Co KY d 11 Dec 1993 LA CA; m. 26 Feb 1943 Neon, Letcher Co KY to William Willie Toth b 1919; s/o William Toth and Julia Black.

2. Mary Lois Tolliver b 28 Oct 1917 Letcher Co KY; occupation, teacher in Tuscon AZ 1965; m. 23 Dec 1938 Big Stone Gap Dickenson Co VA to Lawrence Stephens b 1915 d 2 Nov 1965 Tuscon AZ; s/o Robert M Stephens and Margarett Brennon.

3. Carl Tolliver b 3 Jun 1920 Neon, Letcher Co KY 3 Jun 1991 Orange Co CA; buried Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, Riverside Co CA; m. 3 May 1946 Greene Co OH to Florence Marie Thornton b 1924; d/o Charles Henderson Thornton and Verna ?urdom. Florence Marie Thornton m. (1) John Hawkins.

4. Mildred Hope Tolliver b 1924 Letcher Co KY; m. 8 Feb 1943 Etowah, AL to Guy L Creveling b 1921; s/o Guy F Cleveling and Alice Mills.

Obituary: Lucinda Smith Tolliver
Feb 1913 - 19 Sept 1955
Mt. Eagle, Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY
Mrs. Willis Tolliver is Called by Death

Lucinda Smith Day Tolliver
Mrs. Willis Tolliver, passed away suddenly at her home at Deane on Monday morning, September 19th (1955). While she had been in somewhat declining health for the past few months, her death was a severe shock to her family and friends as she passed away while having breakfast with her family and visitors in her home.

Mrs. Tolliver was the former Lucinda Smith of Knott County and taught school in that county before her marriage to Elder Tolliver in 1913.

Survivors include the husband and four children, Mrs. Eula Toth, North Carolina, Lois Stephens of Bell County, Hope Creveling, now in Germany and Carl at home.

She was a true and ever faithful Christian and wife and mother and will be sadly missed by her loved ones as well as by hundreds of kind friends and relatives.

Many hundreds of citizens from far and near called at the funeral home and attended services at her home. The large gatherings as well as the beautiful floral offerings attributed to the high esteem in which she was held among our citizens.

Funeral services took place at the residence at Deane this morning at 10:00 a.m., and burial took place at the Hall Cemetery on Stevens Fork of Rockhouse, Craft Funeral Home of Neon in charge of the last rites. The Eagle extends deepest sympathies to Mr. Tolliver and his beloved family in their great sorrow.

Obituary: Willis Sherman Tolliver
27 Jun 1893 - 3 May 1958
Mt. Eagle, Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY
Death Takes W. Tolliver

Willis Sherman Tolliver
Funeral services were held Monday at Hemphill Baptist Church for Elder Willis S. Tolliver, an Old Regular Baptist minister in Letcher County for the past 40 years. Elders Henry Welch, Tommy Collier and Wardie Craft officiated at the services. Burial was in the family cemetery on Rockhouse.

Mr. Tolliver served as a school teacher, a farmer and a merchant and for four years he was police judge of Neon.

He was moderator of the Elizabeth Old Regular Baptist Church for 14 years and of the Hemphill church for seven years.

He had been in ill health for several years before his death Saturday morning but had been active in his preaching work.

Mr. Tolliver was born in 1893 on the head of Millstone Creek. He was a son of the late Melvin and Arminda Baker Tolliver. In 1913 he was married to Lucinda Smith who died about three years ago.

Survivors are four children, Eulah Toth, Lois Stephens, Carl Tolliver and Hope Creveling: two brothers, Dock and and Willie Tolliver; a sister, Julia Hall, and several granchildren.

Article: Mt. Eagle Newspaper
Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY
Thursday Evening, May 4, 1944
Re: Carl Tolliver; s/o Willis
Tolliver and Lucinda Smith

Carl Tolliver
This is Sergeant Carl Tolliver somewhere in England with the Air Corps, a mechanic on the B-17 Flying Fortress. He writes that his work is hard and long hours; and that many of the Bombers come back to their base shot to pieces and that too many of the boys he has learned to know and love don't come back.

Sgt. Tolliver graduated as an Airplane Mechanic at the Seymour Johnson Field, Goldsboro, N. C. on Feb. 4, 1943. He was then transferred to Long Beach, Calif., and was assigned to train on the B-17 Flying Fortress and on March 16, 1943, he received a Certificate of Graduation from the Douglas Air Craft Company with a V. S. (Very Satisfactory) rating.

Carl is 23 years old, the son of W. S. and Lucinda Tolliver of Neon, Ky. He has been in service since August, 1942.

In a letter to his parents he states that the happiest day of his life would be when he stepped on the boat to sail for home.

Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver have three son-in-laws also in Service: Sgt. Willie Toth, Jr., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Pfc. Lawrence Stephens, Fort Bliss, Texas and Lt. Guy L. Creveling, Camp Gordon, Ga.

Article: Mt. Eagle Newspaper
Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY
Thursday Evening, June 11, 1953
Re: Eld. Willis Tolliver and Lucinda Smith

Eld. W. S Tolliver
and Mrs. Tolliver of Neon, KY

Willis S Tolliver and Lucinda Smith
This is Elder and Mrs. W. S. Tolliver formerly of Neon (Letcher Co KY) but now live on a farm on Rockhouse at Deane, but still own and operate a hardware store at Neon.

Mrs. Tolliver was formerly Miss Lucinda Smith of Hindman (Knott Co KY). She taught six years in the public schools of Knott County and at the time of her marriage to Mr. Tolliver she was bookkeeper for the Francis Day Dry Goods Company at Hindman, (Knott Co KY).

Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on December 18 (1953). Mr. Tolliver taught five years in the public schools of Letcher County, served four years as Police Judge of Neon (Letcher Co KY). They have worked side by side in the mercantile business for 24 years.

They have three daughters and one son. Their oldest daughter is now with her husband in Japan.

Mr. Tolliver has been a minister of the Regular Baptist Church for the past 37 years. He is now pastor of the Hemphill Baptist Church at Jackhorn (Letcher Co KY) and the Elizabeth Church at Millstone (Letcher Co KY).

He says he has traveled more than 100,000 miles, on foot, horse back, and by automobile attending churches, preaching funerals (as many as six in a week), and administering to the sick and his service has never cost the people as much as a single cent. He says he believes in Captain John Smith's rule that those that don't work shouldn't eat.

The picture of Mr. and Mrs. Tolliver was made February 1st of this year (1953).

Mr. Tolliver is the 13th child of a family of fourteen. His father was the late M. B. (Melvin Burton) Tolliver, who thrashed wheat over this country for many years with a horse drawn thrasher. His mother was the late Arminda Baker Tolliver, daughter of the late Elijah Baker a Methodist Circuit Rider.

Mr. Tolliver says the first pair of shoes he ever wore, his father made them. He still has an old wooden last his father used in making his childrens shoes. He also has his mother's coffee mill and his fathers clock which is 55 years old and still keeps good time.

1910 Knott Co KY Census Upper Carr
247 247 Day Lurana Head F W 45 Wd 15 7 7 KY KY NC Housekeeper
247 247 Smith Lousinda Dau F W 22 S KY KY KY Teacher in County
247 247 Smith Millie Dau F W 20 S Ky KY KY Housekeeper
247 247 Day Shelley Son M W 14 S KY KY KY Farm hand
247 247 Day Kelley Son M W 11 Ky KY KY Farm hand
247 247 Day Corta Son M W 9 KY KY KY
247 247 Day Willie Son M W 7 KY KY KY
247 247 Day Caral Son M W 7 KY KY KY

1930 Letcher Co KY Census Neon ED 23
56 56 Tolliver Willis Head 3000 M W 36 M 20 KY NC KY Real Estate Salesman Real Estate
56 56 Tolliver Lucinda Wife H F W 40 M 24 KY KY KY
56 56 Tolliver Eulah daughter F W 15 S KY KY
56 56 Tolliver Lois daughter F W 12 S KY KY KY
56 56 Tolliver Carl Son M W 10 S KY KY KY
56 56 Tolliver Mildred daughter F W 6 S KY KY KY

1940 Letcher co KY Census Neon
70 Tolliver W. S. Head M W 47 M KY Merchant Hardware
70 Tolliver Lousinda Wife F W 49 M KY Helps Husband
70 Tolliver Eulah Dau F W 25 S KY Teacher School
70 Tolliver Carl Son M W 19 S KY Clerk Store
70 Tolliver Hope Dau F W 16 S KY

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