Andrew Jackson Wright and Harriet Adams
Andrew Jackson Wright in a CSA Soldier Frame
Andrew Jackson Wright
Andrew Jackson Wright b about 1827 Perry Co KY d 13 Nov 1878; 51 years of age; (1860 Letcher Co KY Census); s/o Joel Martin Wright and Susannah Bates. Andrew Jackson Wright m. 13 Jun 1843 Letcher Co KY to Harriett Adams b about 1830 KY d after 1880 Letcher Co KY; d/o William Adams and Christina Crase. Children of Andrew Jackson Wright and Harriett Adams;
1. William "Blackhawk" Wright b about 1847 KY d in Prison as a result of the ongoing battles with the same William S Luntz who called himself a Wright and who participated in the feud with Noah Milburn Reynolds II (Noah wrote about this feud in his book
"The Feuds of the Mountain Parts of Kentucky". William "Blackhawk Wright m. Mary M Bryant.
2. Freelove Wright b 19 Jan 1848 KY d 26 Jan 1941; 93 years of age; m. 1872 to Macager White b 22 Sept 1847 d 22 May 1912; 64 years of age; s/o Alfred White and Elizabeth Adams.
3. Harriett Elizabeth Wright b about 1851 KY d 10 Aug 1923; 72 years of age; buried Riley Meade Cemetery, Millstone Letcher Co KY; m. 15 Jul 1871 Letcher Co KY to Benjamin Brown.
4. George Washington Wright b 21 Aug 1853 KY d 7 Nov 1934; age 81; buried John Moores Branch, Pike Co KY; m. 19 Feb 1876 Letcher Co KY to Harriet Addington b Feb 1858 Letcher Co KY d 1930 Pike Co KY; age 72; buried John Moore Branch, Pike Co KY; d/o William Addington and Nancy Kilgore.
5. Jemima Wright b 28 Jun 1855 KY
6. Lucinda "Sidney" Wright b 15 Jan 1855 Letcher Co KY d 28 Mar 1924; age 69; m. 14 Sept 1878 to John Anderson b 26 Apr 1857 d 26 Dec 1938; s/o James Anderson and Jane Perlina Potter.
7. Samuel "Sam" Wright b about 1857 KY.
8. Clarinda "Clarey" Wright b about 1861 KY; m. Martin Adams.
9. Elijah "Lige" Wright b about 1863 KY d murdered in the feud with William S Wright (Lunce).
10. Mary Wright b 13 Apr 1865 KY; m. William L J "Stonewall Jackson" Wright; s/o Aaron Wright and Isabelle Deaton. See Story Below about Mary. Child of William L J "Stonewall Jackson" Wright and Mary Wright;
i. John Quincy Wright b 2 Dec 1881 KY
11. Isaac Wright b about 1867 KY; m. 14 Dec 1888 Letcher Co KY to Elizabeth Mullins b May 1872 KY; d/o Booker Mullins and Charlotte Charity "Chat" Wright.
12. Andrew Monroe Wright b about 1870 KY.
13. Booker Wright b July 1872 KY; m. Ellen Stewart b 1895 d 1951; d/o John Wesley Stewart and Mary Elizabeth "Tump" Johnson. Children of Booker Wright and Ellen Stewart;
i. Booker Wright Jr
ii. Ike Wright b about 1930 Pike Co KY
14. Nancy 'Monk' Wright b Jun 1877 Letcher Co KY d 1964 Letcher Co KY; buried Solomon Wright Cemetery, Beefhide, Letcher Co KY; m. 12 Sept 1894 Letcher Co KY to George B Mullins b about 1873 KY; s/o Booker Mullins and Charlotte Charity "Chat" Wright. Some children of Nancy "Monk" Wright and George B Mullins;
i. Solomon Mullins b 1896 KY
ii. Freelove Mullins b 1897 KY
iii. Joshua Mullins
iv. Bill Mullins.
1860 Letcher Co KY Census
149 149 Wright Andrew 34 M W F L 280 VA Can't read/write
149 149 Wright Hariet 29 F W KY
149 149 Wright William 12 M KY At School
149 149 Wright Freelove 11 F W KY At School
149 149 Wright Elizabeth 9 F W KY
149 149 Wright George 7 M W KY
149 149 Wright Lucinda 4 F W KY
149 149 Wright Samuel 2 M W KY
1870 Letcher Co KY Census Precinct 2
65 65 Wright Andrew 47 M W Farmer 175 KY Can't read/write
65 65 Wright Harriet 37 F W Keeping House KY Can't read/write
65 65 Wright Frelove 21 F W KY Can't read/write
65 65 Wright Elizabeth 18 F W KY At School Can't read/write
65 65 Wright George 16 M W KY " " " " "
65 65 Wright Cidney 15 M W KY " " " " "
65 65 Wright Samuel 13 M W KY " " " " "
65 65 Wright Clirece 9 F W KY
65 65 Wright Elijah 7 M W KY
65 65 Wright Mary 5 F W KY
65 65 Wright Isaac 3 M W KY
William S Luntz and His Feud With Lige and Sam Wright
Several men in this family were written about by Noah Milburn Reynolds in his book, "The History of Mountain Feuds". He wrote the following: The next trouble of particular note was waged between W. S. Luntz (called himself a Wright) on one side, and Lige and Sam Wright on the other. This trouble grew out of W. S. Luntz accusing Lige and Sam Wright of killing his dog. W. S. Luntz mustered a band of fifteen men and went in the night to the home of Sam and Lige Wright, broke down their door. The fighting, shooting and killing commenced. Andy Wright and Bill Wright, known as "Old Bill" Wright being killed and "Black Bill" Wright was severely wounded.
The W. S. Luntz (called himself a Wright) band ran from the scene of battle, leaving their dead and wounded laying where they fell. Sam and Lige Wright were indicted in court at Whitesburg, Ky. Sam Wright broke jail. John Davis Bentley (s/o Solomon Davis Bentley and Mary Jane Bentley), deputy sheriff, caught Sam Wright, and on his way to jail with
him, W. S. Luntz (called himself a Wright), hearing of Sam Wright's capture, waylaid them and shot the prisoner through the back, severely wounding him. Later on Sam and Lige came clear in court. Then W. S. Luntz swore that (William) "Black Bill" Wright, who was a brother of Sam and Lige, had betrayed him and
got his men killed, and sent him to the penitentiary for five years. He died in prison.
Mary Wright and Stonewall Jackson Wright
This is the story of Mary and her family. Mary was born April 13, 1865 in Kentucky. She was the tenth child. She married William L. J. "Stonewall Jackson" Wright. He was from the Solomon H and Rachel Pickering Wright family. When Stonewall was 20 and Mary 21, they married. On December 2, 1881 Mary and Stonewall had a son, John Quincy Wright. Times were hard and jobs were scarce in Kentucky. The couple heard of good paying jobs in the coal fields of West Virginia and moved there in 1897 when John Q. was 16. Gambling was illegal in this West Virginia community. The local officials were set on breaking up a local bunch that were gambling. Stonewall was deputized and told to go with the posse to help arrest this group of gamblers. He didn't volunteer, but you didn't say no when they put a badge on you and made you a deputy for a manhunt. Apparently, the gamblers knew about the raid and ambushed the group on their way out of town.
Stonewall was shot and killed in the ambush. Mary and Stonewall had only been in town for three months. The goodness of neighbors kept them fed. John would pick up jobs as he could sometimes working for a merchant and earning twenty-five cents or fifty cents. He did what he could to earn money for them. The railroad was in town. One day when John was at the station the station agent asked him if he would like a real job for the railroad. John was thrilled. He became a brakeman. One day he was caught between two cars and had his chest and shoulders crushed. He was a long time recovering from the injuries. After he recovered he was again at the station and the agent asked him if was about ready to get back to work. John was ready. He became a fireman for the engineers. I read in the 1920 census where he was a fireman, but in 1930 he was listed as an engineer for the steam railroad. He was with the railroad for 43 years.
John bought land and built a house where he and his mother lived. When he was 46 years old he married Georgia Compton, daughter of Robert and Rhoda Cox Compton. They lived with Mary while they searched for a home for themselves. For two years they searched. A daughter, Daisy, was born to them. The house next door to Mary's came up for sale and John bought it.
In one census it shows Mary, John, Georgia and little Daisy living in one home that Mary owned and next door to them Robert and Rhoda renting a home. Daisy said that as a little girl Robert and Rhoda lived with them and Mary lived alone next door. When Daisy got married she moved in with her grandmother. When her grandmother died in 1955, she had been married for seven years. Her maternal grandparents had died and she and her husband moved to the other house to take care of her parents.
Daisy lives there alone now all the family gone. She said she sold her grandmother' house to a good friend who lost her home when the town was flooded. Her houses sat high upon the mountain and did not flood. That friend is still there and promised they would grow old together. Daisy knew her grandmother very well. She knew that Andrew and Harriett Adams were her great grandparents. She said that Mary told her that they were part Indian. She told her that her grandmother was Cherokee. When Mary's grandfather, Joel Wright, married his wife, she could speak no English. Mary did not know her real name, but said they gave her the English name of Susannah. She treasured the Indian doll that she received as a child and had it hanging in her home until she died. Daisy has the doll today.