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Massingill Martin Mart Combs
and Elizabeth Betts Combs

Massingill Martin Mart Combs b 1810 Perry Co KY d 1892 Perry Co KY; s/o Mason Mace Combs and Jane Jenny Richardson. Massingill Martin Mart Combs m. 14 Feb 1825 (or 3 Mar 1825) Perry Co KY to Elizabeth Betts Combs b 1812 KY d about 1870 Perry Co KY; d/o Jeremiah Long Jerry Combs and Nancy Combs or Stacy. Massingill Martin Mart Combs was 15 when he married Elizabeth Betts Combs and she was 13 years of age. Children of Massingill Martin Mart Combs and Elizabeth Betts Combs;

1. Jane Combs b abt 1826 KY

2. Eliza Combs b abt 1828 KY

3. Gilbert Combs b about 1829 Perry KY d 8 Aug 1908; buried Combs Cemetery, Annville, Jackson Co KY; m. abt 1860 to Louisa Jent b about 1842 KY. Children of Gilbert Combs and Louisa Jent;

i. Massingill Combs b 1861 KY; m. Allie J Combs

ii. Elijah Combs b about 1867 KY; m. 20 Sept 1892 Perry Co KY to Patsy Sumner

4. Alcy Combs b abt 1834 KY

5. Preston Combs b abt 1836 KY

6. Massingale Burks Combs (aka Birx) b 1838 KY; m. Anny Williams b 1849 KY; d/o Pleasant Williams and Rebecca Elizabeth Fugate. Children of Massingale Birx Combs and Anny Williams;

i. Robert Combs b about 1865 KY; m. (1) about 1885 to Jane Brew. Robert Combs m. about 1910 to (2) Ella J Sumner. Robert Combs m. (3) to Icy Seiber.

ii. Edmond Combs b about 1867 KY; m. 26 Dec 1889 to Rachel Sumner

iii. Susan Combs b about 1869 KY

iv. Green Combs b about 1870 KY; m. Susannah Combs

v. Sally Combs b about 1878 KY

vi. Sinthy Combs b about 1880 KY

7. Ferbe Combs b abt 1840 KY

8. George Washington Combs b abt 1842 KY; m. Marinda Rinda Ingram b about 1850 KY. Children of George Washington Combs and Marinda Rinda Ingram;

i. Bonypart Combs b about 1871 KY; m. Nancy Unknown

ii. Margrett Combs b about 1873 KY; m. Robert Lee Brashear

iii. Darthula Combs b 15 Jan 1879

9. Hannibal Hanbill Combs b 1844 KY d 19 Jan 1924 Perry Co KY; buried Brashear Cemetery, Fusonia, KY; m. Susan Williams b 1845; d/o Pleasant Williams and Elizabeth Fugate. Hannibal Hanbill Combs m. 12 Mar 1902 Perry Co KY to Alice Sizemore. Alice Sizemore m. 2 Jan 1897 Perry Co KY to Robert Stacy.

10. Clinton Combs b abt 1846 KY; m. Anny Combs b 1856 KY; d/o Margaret Link Stacy.

11. Bonaparte Barry Boney Combs b abt 1848 KY; m. Betty Jane Combs b about 1855 KY; d/o Alexander S Combs and Polly Brashear.

12. Polly Combs b abt 1849 KY

13. Betty Jane Combs b Mar 1852 d Jun 1939; m. 1869 to Elijah Sumner b 1848 KY d 1934; s/o James Sumner and Nancy Adams.

14. Nancy Combs b abt 1853 Perry Co KY d 5 Sept 1911 Letcher Co KY; m. Elias Jent b 1850 Perry Co KY d 4 Feb 1914 Letcher Co KY; s/o Elijah Jent and Rachel Cornett.

15. Benjamin Tben Combs b 15 Mar 1856 Bentown, Happy, Perry Co KY d 27 Nov 1942 of stomach cancer; buried Jim Pete Combs Cemetery, Jeff, KY; m. about 1872 to Matilda Combs b 20 Mar 1856 d 26 Jan 1923 of diabetes; buried Jim Pete Combs Cemetery, Jeff, KY; d/o Hiram Combs and Mary Unknown. Benjamin T TBen Combs m. before 1925 to Maggie Williams.

16. Catherine Combs

Massingill Martin Mart Combs
and Polly Kelly

Massingill Martin Mart Combs b 1810 KY Perry Co KY d 1892 age 82 years; s/o Mason Mace Combs and Jane Jenny Richardson. Massingill Martin Mart Combs m. 1892 to Polly Kelly b 14 Feb 1825 KY.

(Source) Mason Combs and Jenny´s son Massingill Martin Combs (nick-named “Mart”) was born in 1810 in Perry County when he was 15 years old, he married his cousin, Elizabeth Combs, who was 13. They were wed 14 Feb 1825.

Elizabeth was nick-named “Betts”. She was born in Perry County, in 1812. Elizabeth's father was named Jeremiah L. Combs (his nick-name was “Long Jerry Combs”). He was born in 1782 in Surry County, North Carolina. Massingill Martin Combs and Elizabeth Combs had fourteen children; Burk Combs, Clint Combs, Gilbert Combs, Benjamin T. Combs, Washington Combs, Bonaparte Combs, Hanbill Combs, Elizabeth Combs, Polly Jane Combs, Jenny Combs, Dicy Combs, Farb Combs, Preston Combs, and Catherine Combs.

During the Civil War, five of their sons fought for the north, one fought for the south. Ben did not fight.

Elizabeth was 74 when she died in 1886. Massingill died in 1892 in Perry County. The same year he died, he took a second wife, he was 82 years old, his new wife was named Polly Kelly and she was 45 years old.

Massingill inherited some of the land along Carrs Fork from his father, Mason.

The land was about one mile wide, 4 miles long, and stretched along Carrs Fork from Accup to Vicco.

Massingill started a family farm on the land. He built the first home on the farm. Between two bends of Carrs Fork. Where Bentown is now. He farmed corn, beans, squash. He also raised pigs and chickens. When Massingill died he split the land into shares and gave it to his nine children. Most of Massingill´s children sold the land they inherited. One of Massingill Elizabeth´s children who stayed on the farm was named, Benjamin T Combs. Benjamin´s nick-name was “TBen” Benjamin acquired the name “TBen” when he named the family farm, Bentown, after himself, then everyone started calling him “TBen”

1850 U S Census - Kentucky - Perry - District 2 - Image 22
Combs, Martin Head W M 40 KY
Elizabeth Wife W F 38 KY
Jane Daughter W F 24 KY
Eliza Daughter W F 22 KY
Gilbert Son W M 21 KY
Alcy Daughter W F 16 KY
Preston Son W M 14 KY
Massingall Son W M 12 KY
Ferbe Son W M 10 KY
Washington Son W M 8 KY
Hannibal Son W M 6 KY
Clinton Son W M 4 KY
Bonaparte Son W M 2 KY
Polly Daughter W F 1 KY

1860 U S Census - Kentucky - Hazard - Perry - District 1 - Images 93 & 94
Combs, Matt Head W M 54 KY
Betty Wife W F 52 KY
Preston Son W M 24 KY
Burks Son W M 22 KY
Ferbe Son W M 20 KY
George Son W M 18 KY
Hannibal Son W M 16 KY
Clinton Son W M 14 KY
Barry Son W M 12 KY
Polly Daughter W F 10 KY
Betty Daughter W F 8 KY
Nancy Daughter W F 6 KY
Benjamin Son W M 4 KY

1870 U S Census - Kentucky - Perry - Hazard - Image 4
Combs, Mart Head W M 60 KY
Joney Daughter W F 30 KY
Boney Son W M 21 KY
Polly Daughter W F 19 KY
Nancy Daughter W F 16 KY
Ben Son W M 14 KY

1880 U S Census - Kentucky - Perry - Not Stated - District 082 - Image 50
Combs, Massingale Head W M 70 KY
Polly Wife W F 55 KY

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