Samuel J Wright and Martha Jane Reynolds
Martha Jane Reynolds and Samuel J Kinky Hair Sam Wright
L-R Back: Wesley, Henry and Washie Wright. L-R Front: Martha Jane Reynolds and Essie Blaine Wright Quillen
Samuel J Kinky Haired Sam Wright b 10 Dec 1859 Letcher Co KY d 7 Aug 1921; buried Reynolds Cemetery, Seco, Letcher Co KY; s/o Joel Ellis Wright and Eliza Agnes Bates. Samuel J Kinky Haired Sam Wright m. 4 Sept 1880 to Martha Jane Reynolds b 20 Nov 1860 Letcher Co KY d 26 Jun 1950 Neon, Letcher Co KY; buried Reynolds Cemetery, Seco, Letcher Co KY; d/o William Henry Reynolds and Frances Matilda Baker. Children of Samuel J Kinky Haired Sam Wright and Martha Jane Reynolds;
1. Samuel Washington "Washie" Wright b 22 May 1896 KY d 6 Jun 1970; buried Reynolds Cemetery, Seco, KY; m. Sarah "Sallie" Potter b 28 Jan 1899 d 16 Jan 1944; buried Reynolds Cemetery, Seco, KY; d/o Joel Martin Potter and Eliza Frances Reynolds. Sarah "Sally" Potter m. (2) Roy Brown (no children?). Samuel Washington "Washie" Wright m. Dixie Rose and Dorothy Killen.
2. Essie Blaine Wright b 12 Jan 1900 Letcher Co KY d 15 Jul 1985 Letcher Co KY; m. 27 Feb 1913 Letcher Co KY to Willie M Quillen b 26 Sept 1888 d 6 Jun 1960 Letcher Co KY; s/o Wiley Webb Quillen and Sarah Sally Holbrook.
3. John Wesley Wright b 11 Aug 1881 b 26 July 1957; m. 26 Jan 1905 to Sarah Margaret Hall b 1 Dec 1883 d 27 Jan 1975; d/o Lafayette Mack Hall and Eva Poindexter.
4. William Henry Wright b 6 Mar 1883 KY d 18 Aug 1959; m. 2 Oct 1903 Wise Co VA to Nannie Lou Branham b 3 Jun 1885 Wise Co VA d 31 Jul 1972 Jenkins Hospital, Jenkins, Letcher Co KY; buried Payne Gap Memorial Gardens, Letcher Co KY; d/o Richard Dick Branham and Elizabeth Betty Sowards.
1900 Letcher Co KY Census ED 75 District 2 Millstone
155 156 Wright Samuel J. Head W M Dec 1859 40 M 19 KY KY KY Machinist
155 156 Wright Martha J. Wife W F Nov 1860 39 M 19 4 4 KY KY KY
155 156 Wright John W. Son W M Sept 1881 18 S KY KY KY
155 156 Wright Henry Son W M Mar 1883 17 S KY KY KY Farm Laborer
155 156 Wright Samuel W. Son W M May 1896 4 S KY KY KY
155 156 Wright Essie B. Daughter W F Jan 1900 6/12 KY KY KY
156 157 Venters Susan Head W F Dec 1851 48 Wd 1 1 KY KY KY Farmer
156 157 Venters Susan J. G daughter W F July 1890 9 S KY KY KY
156 157 Wright Louisa J. Niece W F July 1884 15 S KY KY KY
156 157 Wright Standerfer Lodger W M Oct 1869 30 S VA VA VA
157 158 Wright Eliza Head W F Nov 1870 29 Wd 6 4 KY KY KY Farmer
157 158 Wright George Son W M Dec 1894 5 S KY KY KY
157 158 Wright Nancy B Daughter W F June 18968 3 S KY KY KY
157 158 Wright Pearl Daughter W F Feb 1900 11/12 S KY KY KY
157 158 Osborn John Lodger W M May 1858 42 Wd KY KY KY
Terrible Tragedy
Article from Mt Eagle News
Whitesburg, Letcher Co KY Aug 1921
As a probable result of the election held Saturday (6 Aug 1921) on Sunday (7 Aug 1921) a terrible and heart sickening tragedy was enacted at Neon (Letcher Co KY). Police officer Sam J Wright and Dabber Bentley met on the railroad tracks in the town and after exchanging a few words drew arms and shot each other to death. Bentley died within a short while after the shooting and twenty minutes afterward Wright was a dead man. Both men belonged to two of our oldest families. Bentley was a son of John Bentley, a citizen of Neon, was married and has a wife and several children. He was about 30 years of age.
Sam Wright was the youngest son of the late Joel Wright and resided on the old farm on head of the river until a few years ago when he sold it and moved to Neon. He leaves a widow who was the daughter of the late Henry C. Reynolds and a sister to Bill Reynolds, Republican nominee for Jailer of our county. He was about 60 years of age. He leaves several grown sons who are prominent citizens and a daughter, the wife of Willie Quillen who made a gallant and near winning fight for Circuit Clerk. Sam Wright was a highly intelligent man, one of the best mechanics in this section and numbered his friends by his acquaintences. He was loved by them. He knew no fear and seldom lost control of himself amid the direst danger. We extend sympathies to all the friends of the two families.
Mt Eagle Newspaper Thurs., Sept. 16, 1943 Neon Items
Mother Wright who is nearing her 83rd birthday recently celebrated her 63rd Wedding anniversary in the home of Aunt Jane Wright of Potter's Fork with whom she spent her first night of married life 63 years before. Mother Wright is the widow of the late Sam J. Wright and Aunt Jane is the widow of (Joel) Martin Wright. Aunt Jane is around 86 years of age and both are very active for their ages. They are sisters-in-law.
Willie Collier of Neon who has been sick for some time is now much improved at the Government Hospital in Johnson City, Tenn.
Aunt Sillar Collier who has been very ill for some time still remains in a very critical condition at her home in Neon. Due to infirmities of age and etc., little hope is held for her recovery.
Sam Quillen and his girl friend, Miss Margarette Carter of Louisville were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Quillen of Neon.
Mrs. Essie Quillen was a visitor in Whitesburg on Monday of this week visiting her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Cossie Quillen