Spencer Adkins Johnson b 13 Jun 1868 Lionellie, Pike Co KY d 6 Sept 1938 McRoberts, Letcher Co KY; s/o Tandy Johnson and Matilda Wright. Spencer Adkins Johnson m. 21 Aug 1895 Letcher Co KY to Maryland Virginia Reynolds b 4 Aug 1879 Millstone, Letcher Co KY d 1 May 1955 Sharon Heights Hospital, Jenkins, Letcher Co KY; died of cerebral Hemmorhage; age 75; buried Wise Cemetery, Wise Co VA; d/o Joseph Coleman Reynolds and Mary Manerva Morgan. Children of Spencer Adkins Johnson and Maryland Virginia Reynolds;
1. Cody Johnson b 24 May 1903 Millstone, Letcher Co KY d 25 Apr 1987 Eustis, Lake Co FL; m. 6 May 1925 Neon, Letcher Co KY to Georgia Bennett b 27 Sept 1907 Floyd Co KY d 5 Jan 1999 Clermont, Lake Co FL; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Highlands, FL; d/o Linnie Bennett.
2. Edward Johnson b abt 1905 Floyd Co KY d abt 1923 McRoberts, Letcher Co KY
3. William J Willie Johnson b 3 Feb 1907 Letcher Co KY d 8 Dec 1991 Lexington, Fayette Co KY; m. 3 Dec 1931 Pound, Wise Co VA to Anna Little b 1906 Floyd Co KY; d/o Joe Little and Anyaline Johnson.
4. Pina Mae Johnson b 11 Nov 1908 McRoberts, Letcher Co KY d 24 Jan 2003 Johnson City, Washington Co TN; m. A B Willfang
5. Verna Lee Johnson b 16 Jul 1912 McRoberts, Letcher Co KY d 10 Dec 1996 at 9:05 PM Fairfield, Butler Co OH; m. 19 Feb 1937 Wise Co VA to Garcia Kermit Cantrell b 22 Dec 1913 d 1 Mar 1993 Ross OH; s/o Willard Lee Cantrell and Lou Emma Boggs. Verna lee Johnson was a teacher with 4 years of college. She was widowed at the time of her death and died in a nursing home. Children of Garcia Kermit Cantrell and Verna Lee Johnson;
i. Linda Jane Cantrell
ii. Nancy Lee Cantrell
1880 Letcher Co KY Census Whitesburg ED 63
324 328 Reynolds Joseph W M 32 Head M Farmer VA VA VA
324 328 Reynolds Manerva W F 30 Wife M Keeping House KY OH KY
324 328 Reynolds Morgan W M 5 Son S KY VA KY
324 328 Reynolds Kentucky W F 3 Daughter S KY VA KY
324 328 Reynolds Mary F W F 10/12 Aug Daughter S KY VA KY
324 328 Brumet Charles W M 23 Servent M Working on Farm VA VA VA
324 328 Thacker Louisia W F 20 Servent S Servent KY KY KY
324 328 Thacker Laura B W F 1 At Home S KY KY KY
1900 Letcher Co KY Census Millstone District 2 ED 75
23 23 Johnson Spencer A Head W M June 1868 31 M 4 KY KY KY Farmer
23 23 Johnson Maryland Wife W F Aug 1879 20- M 4 KY KY KY
24 24 Johnson Jole M. Head W M Jan 1865 35 M 4 KY KY KY Farmer
24 24 Johnson Kentucky Wife W F Oct 1877 22 M 4 2 2 KY KY KY
24 24 Johnson Morgan T Son W M Apr 1896 4 S KY KY KY
24 24 Johnson Octava Daughter W F Sept 1898 2 S KY KY KY
1910 Letcher Co KY Census Millstone ED 145
43 43 Johnson Spencer A Head M W 41 M1 14 KY KY KY Farmer General Farm
43 43 Johnson Maryland Wife F W 30 M1 14 4 4 KY VA KY
43 43 Johnson Cody Son M W 6 S KY KY KY
43 43 Johnson Edward Son M W 5 S KY KY KY
43 43 Johnson Willie Son M W 3 S KY KY KY
43 43 Johnson Pina Daughter F W 1 5/12 S KY KY KY
43 43 Johnson Matilda Mother F W 70 Wd 11 8 KY KY KY Own Income
1920 Letcher Co KY Census McRoberts ED 59
242 242 Johnson Spencer Head M W 52 M KY KY KY Farmer Farm
242 242 Johnson Maryland Wife F W 40 M KY KY KY
242 242 Johnson Cody Son M W 16 S KY KY KY
242 242 Johnson Edward Son M W 15 S KY KY KY
242 242 Johnson Willie Son M W 13 S KY KY KY
242 242 Johnson Piney Daughter F W 11 S KY KY KY
242 242 Johnson Vernis Daughter F W 8 S KY KY KY
1930 Letcher Co KY Census Jenkins ED 12
130 138 Johnson S. A. Head M W 61 M 28 KY KY KY Farmer Truck Farm
130 138 Johnson Merlin Wife H F W 51 M 16 KY KY KY
130 138 Johnson Pina Daughter F W 21 S KY KY KY
130 138 Johnson Verna Daughter F W 17 S KY KY KY